Author(s): P. H. John; F. A. Johnson; P. Sutcliffe
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Abstract: The C.F.M. has been shown to be a useful modification to existing salt velocity methods of flow measurement. The advantages over more traditional techniques can be summarised as follows. In contrast to other similar systems no high degree of skill is required to operate the equipment The equipment is relatively cheap and portable in its present form and little modification is required to increase the portability for field use The risk of damage is very small as the conductivity cells contain no moving parts It can be used in flows containing high sediment loads and will operate in high degrees of turbulence. Some level of turbulence is in fact essential for efficient cloud formation Human nature is such that large numbers of test runs are not taken if a laborious technique is used. This method has the advantage that with a minimum of time and effort a series of successive measurements can easily be made This preliminary work has clearly demonstrated the practicability of the C.F.M. and future work is aimed at determining the range of application of the method and developing a set of operator guide lines for establishing the geometric requirements of locating the equipment in different channels
Year: 1976