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Author(s): D. Normand

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Abstract: A multi-purpose reservoir should be run as a store of raw material with random input, water output in a given month producing a short-term economic benefit which competes with the long-term economic benefit accruing from holding the same amount of water in store to meet the requirements of the months ahead. In order to set up reservoir operating procedures, an economic utility function must be associated with each of the uses to which the water is put. Should it not be possible to specify such a function for any given use, one may nevertheless define a constraint in the form of a failure probability. A description of the search for reservoir operating rules is illustrated by the example of Djatiluhur dam on the river Tarum in Indonesia. The reservoir has a maximum capacity of 2000 million cubic metres of water which serves to irrigate a downstream area of 200,000 hectares. The dam, which is equipped with five turbines giving a total installed capacity of 115 MW, must be operated in such a way that flooding is prevented.


Year: 1975

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