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Sediment Runoff in Irrawaddy (Ayeyarwaddy) River Basin and the Sediment Management

Author(s): Myo Thandar; Kazuki Yamanoi; Masaharu Fujita

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Keywords: Ayeyarwady; Natural disasters; Sediment runoff; Rainfall; Grain size data

Abstract: Nowadays, natural disasters have occurred in many areas almost every year all around the world. Both of reduction of such kind of disaster risk and protection of the environmental degradation are becoming the core target of the research on sediment transport hydraulics. The Ayeyarwady River Basin, the main livelihood of Myanmar is one of the most disaster effective zones. Too much sediment production in the mountainous areas, transport to the lowland areas and consequently, the sediment deposits and makes the river systems become narrower and narrower. Under the irregular weather conditions, heavy rainfalls in the rainy season have caused landslides, soil erosion and flooding every year, and the sediment related disasters are one of the most serious problems that strongly affect to the environment. Under such background, basin scale sediment management plays an important role in disaster mitigation and environment conservation. To find the effective scenarios for the management, the considerations of rainfall and sediment runoff are in dispensable, and therefore, a simulation model for rainfall and sediment runoff in the Ayeyarwady river basin is much required. Then, many kinds of data available in the simulation such as rainfall, water discharge, bed material, sediment production are necessary, but they are limited in Myanmar. In this paper, we tried to clear the problem on the limited data and apply (Yamanoi and Fujita’s model) to the Ayeyarwady River to find the features of sediment runoff.


Year: 2020

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