Author(s): Liangang Chen; Dan Liu; Yifan Xu; Qiu Jin; Yong Shi; Tiantian Guo
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Keywords: Hydro-Environment Management; Early Warning; J2EE; Yangtze Estuary; WEBGIS
Abstract: In order to provide technical support for effective control, scientific prediction and efficient emergency response on water pollution accident in Yangtze Estuary, it is very urgent to introduce water quality model and develop DSS integrated with advanced Information Technology. A depth-averaged 2D hydrodynamics& water quality model for water environment early warning has been established based on finite volume method. The up boundary of this model is located at Xuliujing hydrology gauge station, and the down boundary is located on-50 bathymetric contour, and the study region was divided into 5328 unconstructed cells. Dissolved chemicals and undissolved oil could be modeled. Based upon water quality early warning model, Yangtze Estuary water quality early warning and emergency response system based on WEBGIS& RIA has been developed adopting J2EE. Arc GIS Server API for Flex has been selected as the GIS platform, and Google/Baidu Maps API is applied, which make a geospatial environment coupling local vector data with internet online maps. Adobe FLEX has been adopted as Rich Internet Application development tool, which balances the system loads better and beautifies the client pages. This system could provide technical support for the Yangtze Estuary water environmental protection, including digital information management on water environmental data and decision support for water environment early warning and emergency response. The core function of digital information management is real-time monitoring on hydrology and water quality on GIS pages coupling with Google/Baidu online maps. The water environment early warning is divided into 2 parts: routine warning under the absence of water pollution accident and emergency warning under the presence of water pollution accident.
Year: 2015