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A Random-Walk Study of Scalar Mixing in Water Waves

Author(s): Wu Xuefei; Liang Dongfang

Linked Author(s): Dongfang Liang

Keywords: Random walk; Longitudinal dis pers ion; M ixing; Waves

Abstract: This paper applies the random walk m ethod to s tudy the s calar trans port phenom ena in vertical two-dim ens ional wave flows. This Lagrangian m odel is firs t verified agains t an idealized problem involving uns teady s hear flows, and the good agreem ent between the s im ulated dis pers ion coefficient and the analytical value dem ons trates the validity of this m odel. Water waves are then form ulated bas ed on the linear and s econd order Stokes wave theories. The longitudinal dis pers ion coefficients are calculated and com pared between the two wave theories. The s im ulation res ults s how high accuracy of the random walk m ethod. The choice of the control param eters us ed in the m odel, s uch as the particle num ber and tim e s tep, is dis cus s ed for a good balance between the com putational expens e and accuracy.


Year: 2015

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