Author(s): Isabel Pragana; Isabel Boavida; Rui Cortes; António Pinheiro
Linked Author(s): António Pinheiro
Keywords: Hydropeaking; 2D habitat modeling; Fuzzy logic; Brown trout; Hydropower plant operation
Abstract: Hydropeaking occurs due to hydropower plant operation, when high discharges are made at a daily regular basis during high electricity consumption periods. It severely affects the hydrologic regime and, consequently, the aquatic ecosystem. To mitigate this tendency, either structural or operational measures have been proposed. Usually, structural measures are selected over the others due to less economic impact on the electricity producer. Therefore, better understanding the impacts of operational measures over the economics of electricity production is paramount in order to select solutions that may address both interests. The present study investigates the effects of a mini-hydropower plant in the fish habitat of brown trout considering different operational scenarios. Thus, the computational model River2D was applied to the river reach immediately downstream of the Ermida hydropower plant in the Carvalhosa stream, to obtain the 2D hydrodynamic features of different discharges. To perform the habitat modelling with the Casimir Fish 2D, fuzzy sets and rules were developed for juvenile and adult life-stages of brown trout. The operational scenarios were developed considering the habitat availability results and the power production periods according to the el ectricity selling price. The influence of an hydropower plant operation on the habitat suitability, as well as the energy revenue losses related with the production scenarios were taken into consideration. Results from this study may help in assisting water managers to adapt hydropeaking regimes in order to reduce the ecological impact of hydropower production.
Year: 2015