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A Tabulated Review of 83 Laboratory Studies on Frazil Ice

Author(s): Paul D. Barrette

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Abstract: Frazil ice is a term used to designate ice particles of various shape occurring in a turbulent and supercooled water column, in both freshwater and saline water bodies. That ice is known to promote flooding, and also tends to clog water intakes and other structures below the water line. This paper present a succinct summary of different laboratory studies – the earliest reported in 1936 – that were found to focus on various aspects of frazil dynamics (growth, formation, velocity, particle/floc size and concentration, effects of water turbulence, sediment and algal entrainment), grease ice and pancake ice (their evolution and the effects of wave propagation on that ice), facilities and instrumentation (flume concepts, frazil/water monitoring tools) and interaction between structures and frazil (booms, screens, turbine, trash rack).


Year: 2020

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