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Numerical Simulation of Winter Wave Field in the South China Sea Field Based on Swan

Author(s): Zou Li; Wang Wei; Jiang Shengchao; Wang Peizheng; Zhao Jian

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Keywords: South china sea; Swan; Nested grid technology; Winter wave field; Observations

Abstract: Studying the wave fields in the South China Sea is of great significance for maritime shipping and energy development in the South China Sea. Under the influence of the winter monsoon, the change of the wave field in the South China Sea becomes more complicated. This paper utilized the internationally advanced thirdgeneration wave model SWAN (Simulating Waves Nearshore) on the numerical simulation of the South China Sea wave field for two months from December 1,2014 to January 31,2015, adopting nested grid technology and unstructured grid respectively. The numerical simulation results of significant wave heights and mean periods were compared with the observations from the local buoy. Overall, the numerical simulation results using the nested grid technology agreed better with the observations than unstructured grid, and the error statistics of significant wave height and mean period was within a reasonable range. Therefore, using the nested grid technology of the SWAN wave model can more accurately simulate the winter wave field in the South China Sea, which is of great significance to the numerical prediction of long-term wave field in the South China Sea.


Year: 2020

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