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Flow Passage Optimization and Hydraulic Performance of a Novel Hydraulic Ram Pump

Author(s): Li Jia Zhen; Yang Kai Lin; Guo Yong Xin; Guo Xin Lei

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Keywords: Hydraulic ram pump; Flow passage; Hydraulic performance

Abstract: Hydraulic ram pump (HRP) is anenvironment-friendly self-operating water-pumping device of efficiently utilizing ultra-low head hydroenergy. Design theory and structure of flow passage are presented and isobaric diffuser is employed to connect pump body, waste valve and delivery valve to reduce head loss. The flow passage enlarges locally and the HRP has a compact structure with less materials consumed. In addition, hydraulic performance of the novel HRP was tested and compared with other HRPs. The results show that head loss coefficient of flow passage of the novel HRP is only2.9 and maximum efficiency of the novel HRP exceeds 70%. With novel HRP, falling water of 2.7m head could be pumped to a height of 100m. The delivery flow was larger and the mass was only 90kilograms, one third or a quarter of others’.


Year: 2016

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