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Assessing Inundation from Upstream Flooding and Sea Level Rise in the Downstream of the Dongnai-Saigon River

Author(s): Nguyen Quang Kim; Thanh Letrung; Trieu Anh Ngoc; Nguyen Thai Quyet

Linked Author(s): Quang Kim Nguyen

Keywords: The Saigon-Dongnai River downstream; Flood inundation; Sea level rise (SLR) and Mike 11

Abstract: As a large fertile land, the Dongnai-Saigon River Basin plays a significant role in Vietnam's economic development. In this area, Ho Chi Minh City is known as the biggest center with a fast growing economy and increasing population. However, this area is undergoing inundation problems caused by natural change and human interventions in recent years. At low-lying and coastal land, those inundation processes involve the upstream flooding, heavy rain and change of sea level, which relate to climate change and have the potential to further increasing the threats of flooding within this area. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to clarify those inundation processes through a large scale 1-D hydrodynamic model and using GIS techniques. The hydrodynamic model-Mike 11, for the Dongnai-Saigon River System and a part of the downstream of the Mekong River System in Vietnam, is constructed to simulate the effects of the key factors such as the upstream flooding and tidal regime. The GIS techniques will then be applied to investigate the processes of the flood inundation in detail. Furthermore, adapting to climate change, three sea level rise scenarios for Vietnam will be also calculated and analyzed. The computed results of sea level rise scenarios will point out the degree of flooding and vulnerability in attempts to avoid the mistakes of past and building resilience into urban management, critical infrastructure investments and disaster risk mitigation measures in the jurisdiction balance of sectors. This study is the key to contribute to the improvement of decision-making process to guide Ho Chi Minh City towards aspired benefits in the coming decades.


Year: 2014

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