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Estimation of Areal Reduction Factor by Rainfall Duration Using Dual Polarization Radar Rainfall

Author(s): Dongjoo Lee; Boosik Kang

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Keywords: Dual Polarization Radar; Areal Rainfall; Radar Rainfall; Areal Reduction Factor (ARF)

Abstract: Currently, the Thiessen method and isohyetal maps are used in order to estimate areal reduction factors (ARF) and areal rainfall. But these methods have a disadvantage that it cannot provide information about the spatial distribution of rainfall. For this reasons, radar rainfall has adapted in many studies to provide the spatial distribution of rainfall. This study, utilized the radar rainfall that provides information about the characteristics of spatial rainfall distribution: Biseul mountain dual polarization radar that is operated by Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport of Korea. For the accuracy evaluation of radar rainfall, 9 rain gage stations were selected. Rain gage station rainfall was compared to radar rainfall (3 x 3 grid section) in the same region. The averaged difference between gage station rainfall and radar rainfall is 1.92mm, RMSE is 3.01mm. The result indicated that the ARF tends to increase as duration increases. The results of this study is expected to be useful in many fields where spatial distribution of rainfall is important such as design flood estimations.


Year: 2014

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