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Geomorphology and Changes of the Vistula River External Delta Induced by Fluvial and Marine Processes

Author(s): Kazimierz Szefler; Aliaksandr Lisimenka; Maciej Kalas; Radoslaw Wroblewski; Stanislaw Rudowski

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Keywords: Bedforms; Bathymetry; Delta; Baltic Sea; Poland

Abstract: Detailed monitoring researches of the Vistula River External Delta have been performed during the years 2009–2013. Records were collected from the research boat IMOROS II. Bathymetric measurements were performed using bothmultibeam and a single-beam echosounders. Positioning was carried out by the GPS RTK 851 Trimble system. The data collected was electronically processed in the Qinsy 8 system. Seabed relief images, bathymetric and geomorphological maps were elaborated for each individual state. Differential maps of depth and shape are also prepared. General geomorphological units and forms were determined. Their development and changes were shown. A preliminary correlation attempt of delta changes in relation to hydrological regime was proposed. The obtained results form the basis for assessing the current state and the change prognosis of the delta. It gives an important background for the evaluation of sea and river flood hazard as well as for sand supply to the coast and seabed of the Gulf of Gdansk. The presented results constitute the first part of a planned cycle of monitoring researches.


Year: 2014

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