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Hazardous Event Analysis for Drinking Water Production by Managed Aquifer Recharge

Author(s): Hyon Wook Ji; Sang-Il Lee; Seung Jin Lee

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Keywords: Managed aquifer recharge; HACCP; Drinking water; Hazardous event analysis; Water safety plan

Abstract: Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) is a tool to assess hazards and establish control systems to ensure the safety of food. HACCP has been increasingly applied to industries other than food, such as cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. Recently, various programs such as Water Safety Plan (WSP) of World Health Organization (WHO), Australian Drinking Water Guideline and Canadian Guidance have adopted the HACCP system in the process of production and supply of drinking water. This study investigates the application of HACCP to managed aquifer recharge (MAR). MAR is the purposeful recharge of surface water to aquifers for subsequent recovery or environmental benefit. With appropriate pre-treatment before recharge and sometimes post-treatment on recovery of the water, it may be used for many uses including drinking water supplies. A pilot study is being conducted in the delta of the Nakdong River, South Korea to develop a MAR system in which the river water is injected to the confined aquifer and recovered for drinking water supply. High expectations on the water quality from the public entail unconventional approach to the problem and the incorporation of HACCP is believed to resolve the water quality concerns. Here we characterize hydrogeological and socio-environmental features of the study area and analyze the hazardous events for the introduction of HACCP.


Year: 2014

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