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Inundation Risk Associated with Sea Level Extreme during the 21th Century at the Ma Estuaries (Vietnam)

Author(s): Duc-Dung Luu; Van-Dai Hoang

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Keywords: Climate change; Sea level rise; Sea level extreme; The Ma estuaries (Vietnam); Inundation maps

Abstract: Situated in the westernmost coast of the Gulf of Tonkin, Ma River is the largest riverine system in Thanh Hoa Province, Vietnam. Its discharge consists of three main estuaries: Lach Sung, Lach Truong and Hoi. In these regions, sea levels are predominantly controlled by daily astronomical tide and wind-induced surge, and modulated by seasonal flooding, leading to high complexity in the coastal inundations. In this study, sea level extreme at the Ma estuaries throughout the21st century are derived from high-resolution regional model system runs for A1FI, A1B and A2 scenarios driven by tide and downscaled atmospheric forcings. High-resolution inundation maps are generated accordingly to assess risks at these estuaries in the context of climate change.


Year: 2014

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