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Monitoring Coastline Change in an Island Using Remotely Sensed Data

Author(s): Mai Quang Khoat; Nguyen Cao Don; Nguyen Thi Minh Hang; Kieu Xuan Tuyen

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Keywords: Remote sensing&GIS; Landsat and ETM; Shoreline erosion; Deposition

Abstract: Remote sensing technology is developing rapidly providing an increasingly valuable tool to address the growing list of needs in developing countries. In Vietnam there are still few expert scientists and engineers in this field. An attempt is made to study the shoreline change along the Phu Quy Island of Binh Thuan province. Landsats ETM data was utilized and comparison with toposheet no as baseline data. It is estimated that erosion during the period 1995to 2014 the most volatile shore locates on the east, south and west part of the coast. Coastal area is less volatile than the northern coast. Generally, evoluating shorelines have an average width of 12.5 m to 200 m at its widest. The north coastal line is of less volatile with an average 8.4m wide. The most volatile areas are in the south, this is the area of Phu Quy port and also a safe boat harbor.


Year: 2014

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