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Numerical Experiment for Vibration Reduction of Radial Sluice Gate with Dynamic Vibration Absorber

Author(s): H. J. Seong; S. H. Choi; J. S. Kim; S. O. Lee

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Keywords: Vibration analysis; Vibration absorber; FSI; Numerical experiment

Abstract: In specific cases of the radial sluice gate, severe vibration can be induced according to hydraulic conditions spatially and temporally especially when it is abruptly opened and closed. Structural stability problems such as flexural, cracks and leaks may be occurred due to such vibration. As well as known, if its frequency is in agreement with the natural frequency of the structure, the structure can be overreacted and finally collapsed due to resonance, which may be occurred in the radial sluice gate. Once this kind of damage occurs, much rehabilitation expense and effort should be asked to expend, therefore, we had better focus on the prevention of vibration in the initial stage of its design process. In this study, one of the radial sluice gates with experimental results in the literature was selected to verify the numerical vibration analysis conducting with FSI (Fluid-Structure Interaction). Numerical simulations were performed under the same conditions as experiments. In terms of frequency change, the overall trend of numerical results is similar to that of hydraulic experiments. After examining the utilization of the FSI, the dynamic vibration absorber was affixed at the lower section of a gate to reduce vibration. From numerical results, it was found that the vibration was reduced by the dynamic vibration absorber. In conclusion, it is confirmed that the application of FSI is suitable in vibration analysis of various shapes of sluice gates. Also, FSI can be utilized in vibration analysis of other hydraulic structures such as weir, float structure, and sluice gate.


Year: 2014

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