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Numerical Simulation of Ocean Waves for Hydropower Generation in Thailand

Author(s): Duangrudee Kositgittiwong; Chaiwat Ekkawatpanit; Worachat Wannawong

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Keywords: Numerical simulation; Ocean waves; Hydropower; Gulf of Thailand; Alternative energy

Abstract: Energy conservation has been an important policy for the Thai government since the enforcement of the Energy Conservation Promotion Act in 1992 because the energy consumption in Thailand has been increased continuously at an annual average rate of 4.4%. Thailand is one of the countries among the major contributors to coal consumption growth over the past decade. Oil, coal, gas and electricity are imported to meet its increasing demand, which accounts for 46%of the total primary energy consumption that is why alternative energy is highly necessary in Thailand. There were some researchers evaluated that there are potentials of alternative energy resources in all parts of Thailand. Ocean wave energy is one of the top priorities on all kind of energy which can be found in The Gulf of Thailand and Andaman Sea. However, due to the technical difficulties, the ocean wave energy is still not currently used. Therefore, there should be the evaluation of wave heights and characteristics in both wave energy resources in Thailand. Then, the numerical simulation should be done to determine the wave load and predict its responses from the wave energy converter. It was found that based on the Navier-Stokes equations for viscous, incompressible flow with the multiphase flow model of Volume of fluid (VOF) method, the energy converter and energy from hydropower generation can be presented. The results of appropriate numerical model, combined with the evaluation of wave heights and characteristics in Thailand, can be used to design the energy converter. It can be applied as an ocean wave energy converter for the hydropower generation.


Year: 2014

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