Author(s): Suharyanto
Linked Author(s): Agus Suharyanto
Keywords: Rain Harvesting; Climate Change Adaptation
Abstract: The climate change impacts has been slightly increasingly observed at Semarang City, such as increased intensity of inundation at low land areas, shortened wet season, and increasing rainfall volume which is causing increased flood occurrences, and adversely more severe water scarcity due to less rainfall water recharged into the groundwater table. In the long run, the city must have appropriate strategy and anticipation to cope with these impacts of climate change which is slowly and progressively influencing the city’s population. The paper presents the current preparedness of the city’s people, assess its vulnerability, identify the strategy, and implement the rain harvesting technology in pilot project scale. The implementation is currently initiated at Wonosari and Tandang sub-regencies. The paper discuss the implementation of rain harvesting approach in Semarang City initiated by some private companies such as by BSB satellite city for Semarang and Graha Candi Golf Residence. This steadily increasing stakeholders’involvement to implement rain harvesting technology will increase preparedness of the city toward the adaptation to the climate change impacts.
Year: 2014