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Reseach on Spore Forming Ability of Activated Sludge and Regeneration Ability After Drying Activated Sludge

Author(s): Dung Tran Minh; Quyen Nguyen Thi; Phuong Nguyen Thi; Hung Dao Viet

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Keywords: Spore; Activated sludge; Dry sludge; Bacteri

Abstract: Activated sludge is the combination of microbial population (bacteria, protozoan, etc. ); in which, bacteria account for 80%, including: Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Arthrobacter, Alcaligenes, Flavobacterium…and 75%of them have the ability of spore formation. Bacillus, a aerobic bacterium, is the typical one (Pham Luong Duc 2003). In order to recover the difficulties in sludge preservation, storage and transportation in sewage treatment systems using activated sludge, the research team dried the sludge and activated the dried sludge with aerotank model in the laboratory and according to the indexes of MLSS (Mixed Liquoz Suspended Solids), SVI (Sludge Volume Index), COD and microbial observation, it can be seen that: activated sludge has the regeneration ability after drying.


Year: 2014

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