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Risk Assessment of Inundation in Urban Area on Climate Change

Author(s): T. H. ; Linh; Y. J. ; Kim; D. H. ; Bae

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Keywords: Urban area; Climate change; Jungrang river; SWMM; Inundation

Abstract: Flood damage in urban area has recently increased due to urbanization and frequent short-term heavy rainfall. For instance, heavy rainfall at Seoul, Korea in September 2010 and July 2011 caused severe damages to life and property. One of the reasons of these damages is the increase of rainfall due to climate change. The projections of rainfall variability under future climate change scenarios and their urban inundation impact assessments are therefore essential to establish wise climate change adaptation strategies. This study assesses the risk of future inundation using climate change scenario at Jungrang river basin in Seoul. The future rainfall data was estimated from ECHO-G/S climate model simulation with RegC M3 dynamic downscaling and SRES A2 scenario. The SWMM model was used to estimate the inundation risk for urban area considering drainage system. The results showed increase in inundation area and depth for future periods over the study area. In particular, Cheong-gye, Wui and Jeon-nong subbasins were projected as high flood risk areas. It can be concluded that the current drainage system in this study area has lack of ability to handle the increase of rainfall due to climate change and therefore appropriate climate change adaptation strategies are needed to reduce the future risk.


Year: 2014

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