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Journal of Hydraulic Research 2021 Issue 1

ID Title Authors Year
18228 Detachment of dilatant soil due to high hydraulic shear stresses explained
Myron Van Damme
18229 Buckling analogy for 2D deformation of placed ripraps exposed to overtopping
Leif Lia; Fjola G. Sigtryggsdottir; Ganesh H. R. Ravindra
18230 Numerical investigation of air demand by the free surface tunnel flows
Weilin Xu; Jun Deng; Wangru Wei
18231 Lattice Boltzmann method for shallow water flow with wave radiation stress
Xin Chen; Liming Xing; Haifei Liu
18232 Critical submergence for side circular intake in an open channel flow
Muhammed Hashid; Ajmal Hussain; Zulfequar Ahmad
18233 Turbulent length scales and budgets of Reynolds stress-transport for open-channel flows; friction Reynolds numbers Reτ = 150, 400 and 1020
Umair Ahmed; David Apsley; Timothy Stallard; Peter Stansby; Imran Afgan
18234 Hydrodynamic loads on buildings in floods
Clemente Cantelmo; Giovanni Cuomo
18235 Effect of viscosity changes on the motion of debris flow by considering entrainment
Zheng Chen; Wei Liu; Shuaixing Yan; Siming He; Yu Deng
18236 A gradient method for fuzzy analysis of water distribution networks
Naser Moosavian
18237 Closure to “A Lagrangian drifter for surveys of water surface roughness in streams” by CHRISTIAN NOSS, KAAN KOCA, PEGGY ZINKE, PIERRE-YVES HENRY, CHRISTY USHANTH NAVARATNAM, JOCHEN ABERLE and ANDREAS LORKE, J. Hydraulic Res.
Pierre-Yves Henry; Jochen Aberle; Christian Noss; Andreas Lorke; Christy Ushanth Navaratnam; Kaan Koca; Peggy Zinke

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