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Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics (Nanjing, 2022)

This proceedings accommodates the abstracts and papers of the 14th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, which has been hosted during October 10-14, 2022 in Nanjing, China by IAHR's Technical Committee on Ecohydraulics and jointly organized by Hohai University, Tsinghua UniversityNanjing Hydraulic Research Institute, and Yangtze Institute for Conservation and Development.

Ecohydraulics is a rapidly developing inter-discipline of ecology and hydraulics brought about by the ever-growing concern of aquatic and riparian ecology. Since its first edition in 1994, the International Symposia on Ecohydraulics (ISE) have provided platforms for scientists and engineers worldwide to discuss cutting-edge scientific progress, compare and evaluate state-of-the-art technical methods, and recommend them to the end-users. ISE 2022 covers a wide spectrum of topics related to ecohydraulics in theory and in practice, including the hydrological, hydraulic, morphodynamic, structural, ecological, biological, and technical aspects of the discipline. Five high-profile keynote speeches will be presented. We are expecting you to present at the symposium and share the latest advancement of your research with the international scientific community. Special issues on Journal of Ecohydraulics, International Journal of Sediment Research, Ecohydrology, and Environmental Science & Ecotechnology focusing on this conference will be published. Traditionally, ISE features an ECoENet pre-conference workshop which helps early career researchers working in ecohydraulics find opportunities and overcome challenges. Starting from the current edition, ISE plans to provide an interactive lecture for a helpful technical tool applied in one of these three topics: (1) fieldwork, (2) lab experiments, and (3) numerical simulations, and rotate among them in the future.

ID Title Authors Year
22022 Study on Water Environment Simulation and Prediction in Sanhekou Reservoir Area
Naihao Tan; Ying Wang; Bo Meng; Dongfei He
22023 Hydraulic Impact on Fish Migration in Sariakandhi Fish Pass of Bangladesh
Bijoy Kumar Ghosh
22024 Challenges of Monitoring Invasive Mussels with Environmental DNA
Yao Yang; Mengzhen Xu; Jiahao Zhang; Xudong Zhou; Ruiyu Wang
22025 Investigating the Fish Diversity in the Upper Reaches of Yangtze River Based by Environment DNA Metabarcoding
Ruijiao Li; Huan Lin; Yangxiao Liu; Gen Yang; Wei Yang; Zhengbo Shu; Li Wang
22026 Investigation of a Method for Surveying Aquatic Insects Using DNA Barcoding of Environmental DNA
Sakiko Yaegashi
22027 A Proposal for a Method for Evaluating the Ecological Benefits of Green Infrastructure as Eco-DRR Using Environmental DNA
Noriko Uchida; Fumihiko Imamura
22028 Flow and Morphology Around Trees Installed in Rivers: Do We Need a Stem Attached?
Ingo Schnauder; Koen Blanckaert
22029 Apply Novel Optical and Acoustic Instruments for Long-Term and High-Frequency Morphodynamics Observation on a Mangrove Tidal Flat
Tianping Xu; Zhan Hu
22030 Impact of Shishamo Spawning Sites in Azuma River, Hokkaido Under the Various Flow and High Concentration Silt Conditions
Tomoko Kyuka; Yasumitsu Kato; Satomi Yamaguchi; Kunihiro Tomita; Hideto Kon; Yasuyuki Shimizu
22031 Study on Flow Sensors Arrangement Optimization Based on the Mobile Flow Measuring Devices
Yi Zhou; Xuechun Zhang; Yuhui Yang; Yu Han

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