31143 |
Foreword |
Symposium Organizers
2014 |
31144 |
Hydraulic Structures and Society – Engineering Challenges and Extremes in Perspective |
Hubert Chanson; Robert Janssen; Luke Toombes
2014 |
31145 |
Scour at Various Hydraulic Structures: Sluice Gates, Submerged Bridges, Low Weirs |
B. W. Melville
2014 |
31146 |
Hydraulics of Stepped Weirs and Dam Spillways: Engineering Challenges, Labyrinths of Research |
J. Matos; I. Meireles
2014 |
31147 |
Air Entrainment and Energy Dissipation on Gabion Stepped Weirs |
D. Wuthrich; H. Chanson
2014 |
31148 |
Turbulent Mixing Induced by Rapid Gate Opening in a Canal |
X. Leng; H. Chanson
2014 |
31149 |
Hydraulic Jump Characteristics in Non-Prismatic Channels |
S. Gandhi; R. P. Singh
2014 |
31150 |
Turbulent Fluctuations in Hydraulic Jumps: A Physical Study |
H. Wang; H. Chanson
2014 |
31151 |
Probabilistic Assessment of Slope Stability for Earth-Fill Dams Having Random Soil Parameters |
M. Calamak; A. M. Yanmaz
2014 |
31152 |
New Farm Riverwalk: Assessment of Flood Forces |
F. Beaman; C. A. Gonzalez
2014 |