Innovative approaches to water management challenges are needed more than ever to ensure sustainable and resilient societies worldwide. Under the overall theme "From Snow to Sea", the 39th IAHR World Congress focused on the importance of an integrated and intelligent approach to managing the whole water cycle to address the global challenges people and the environment face. The Congress highlighted IAHR's commitment to the critical role that sound understanding of the water cycle plays in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Agenda 2030.
The papers included in this volume were part of the 39th IAHR World Congress which took place in Granada, Spain, from 19 to 24 June 2022. Papers were selected and subjected to review by the Editor and the International Scientific Committee and followed a revision process with the following steps: (1) The committees involved in the organisation of the Congress established a set of technical criteria for the committee in charge of the revision. (2) Submitted papers were sent to one or two experts in the field. (3) Authors were asked to include the necessary amendments and follow the reviewers´ comments, and (4) Their work was reviewed until the final version was approved by the Editor.
In addition to the technical criteria, IAHR publications follow the Ethical Guidelines and Code of Conduct provided by the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE). A Publication Ethics and a Publication Malpractice statement are publicly available throughout the entire review process.
Besides the peer-reviewed papers, this volume contains the reports of the High-Level Panels.
The 39th IAHR World Congress proceedings are long-term preserved following the IAHR Policy of digital preservation archives.
The International Scientific Committee (ISC) and the Advisory Board provide counsel and support to the Congress Organising Group (COG) for the scientific and technical coordination of the congress.
Theme 1: Human-water relationships (42)
Theme 2: Snow, river and sediment management (132)
Theme 3: Environmental hydraulics and urban water cycle (129)
Theme 4: Hydraulic structures (108)
Theme 5: Water resources management, valuing and resilience (109)
Theme 6: Computational and experimental methods (256)
Theme 7: Coasts, estuaries, shelves and seas (81)
Theme 8: Extreme events: from droughts to floods (177)
High-level panels reports
From Snow to Sea — Managing Enclosed Seas Under Climate Threat
Water Governance
Artificial Intelligence
Nature-based Solutions and Ecohydraulics
Coastal Resilience in a Changing Climate: the CoastPredict Solution
Water Challenges in Spain
Machine Learning for Scientific Discovery, with Examples in Fluid Mechanics
Special sessions
Reservoir sedimentation in semi-arid and arid environments. A comparative analysis from vulnerability of climate change in sensitive environments
Integrating ecohydraulics and ecohydrology in environmental flow assessments
Environmental hydraulics related to aquaculture
Ecohydraulics 2021: Novel methods to investigate flow-biota interactions numerically, in the lab and in the field
Green infrastructure and sustainable urban drainage systems
Implementing Nature Based Solutions – bringing science to practice
The shallow water model intercomparison session: Benchmarking overland flow simulations
Copyright: @2022 IAHR
ID | Title | Authors | Year |
20851 | Danube, Niger and Mekong – Comparing the Sediment Status of Large Rivers |
Helmut Habersack; Beatrice Wagner; Christoph Hauer; Marcel Liedermann; Martin Glas; Marlene Haimann; Michael Krapesch; Peter Flodl; Patrick Holzapfel; Philipp Gmeiner; Sophie Stelzer; Elena Leutgob; Nora Lasinger; Philipp Schutz; David Lehner; Maximilian Kainz; Martin Fuhrmann; Sabrina Scheuer; Gado Abdouramane; Sopheap Lim
2022 |
20852 | On the Effect of Dunes Migration on Maximum Scour Depth at Bridge Pier |
Shaolin Yue; Huan Zhou; Rui Wang
2022 |
20853 | Study on the Flocculation Effect of Dredged Mud with Flocculants for Rapid Sedimentation |
Ruicai Wang; Weijie Xu; Teng Wu; Jie Qin; Guilan Tao
2022 |
20854 | A House-Like Workflow of Nature-Based Solutions to Host Resilient Aqueous Habitat |
Sebastian Schwindt; Gregory B. Pasternack; Silke Wieprecht
2022 |
20855 | Effect of Discharge Variations and Sediment Supply on the Stability of Artificial Step-Pool Sequences |
Fiona Maager; Benjamin Hohermuth; Volker Weitbrecht; Robert Boes
2022 |
20856 | Taming Nitrate Pollution in Urban Stream |
Vallo Korgmaa; Salme Ruberg
2022 |
20857 | Grey, Green, and Blue Infrastructure Embedded Within Existing Water Grid in Urban Area in France |
Jelena Batica; Philippe Gourbesville
2022 |
20858 | Water Temperature Model for Mediterranean Rivers and Climate Change, the Jucar River Case |
Miguel Angel Perez-Martin; Clara Estrela-Segrelles; Carlos Minana-Albanell; Carlos Mulet-Rojas
2022 |
20859 | Influence of Large Wood Transport on River Bed Structuring Processes in Steep River Reaches |
Clara Streule; Christian Tognacca; De Cesare Giovanni
2022 |
20860 | River Restoration and Flood Protection Through Nature-Based Solutions |
Juan Ortas Gonzalez; Jose Maria Sanchez Sanz; Jose Ignacio Diaz-Caneja Nieto
2022 |