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Proceedings of the 39th IAHR World Congress (Granada, 2022)

  • ISSN Online: 2521-716X
  • ISSN Print: 2521-7119
  • ISBN: 978-90-832612-1-8
  • Publisher: International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR)
  • Editor(s): Prof. Miguel Ortega-Sánchez, University of Granada, Spain
  • Related: 39th IAHR World Congress

Innovative approaches to water management challenges are needed more than ever to ensure sustainable and resilient societies worldwide. Under the overall theme "From Snow to Sea", the 39th IAHR World Congress focused on the importance of an integrated and intelligent approach to managing the whole water cycle to address the global challenges people and the environment face. The Congress highlighted IAHR's commitment to the critical role that sound understanding of the water cycle plays in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Agenda 2030.

Revision process 

The papers included in this volume were part of the 39th IAHR World Congress which took place in Granada, Spain, from 19 to 24 June 2022. Papers were selected and subjected to review by the Editor and the International Scientific Committee and followed a revision process with the following steps: (1) The committees involved in the organisation of the Congress established a set of technical criteria for the committee in charge of the revision. (2) Submitted papers were sent to one or two experts in the field. (3) Authors were asked to include the necessary amendments and follow the reviewers´ comments, and (4) Their work was reviewed until the final version was approved by the Editor.

Ethical guidelines and Code of Conduct

In addition to the technical criteria, IAHR publications follow the Ethical Guidelines and Code of Conduct provided by the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE). A Publication Ethics and a Publication Malpractice statement are publicly available throughout the entire review process.

Besides the peer-reviewed papers, this volume contains the reports of the High-Level Panels.

The 39th IAHR World Congress proceedings are long-term preserved following the IAHR Policy of digital preservation archives


The International Scientific Committee (ISC) and the Advisory Board provide counsel and support to the Congress Organising Group (COG) for the scientific and technical coordination of the congress.



Front Matter 



Table of Contents 

 High-level panels reports


Special sessions

Copyright: @2022 IAHR

ID Title Authors Year
20731 Urbanization and Sustainable Potable Water Supply: Implications in Aquifer Preservation and Interbasin Water Transfers
R. Rene Autrique; C. Eduardo Rodal
20732 Assessing Water Distribution Systems Across Indicators Based on Sustainable Development Goals
Camila Andrea Garcia; P. Amparo Lopez-Jimenez; Modesto Perez-Sanchez
20733 Assessment of Flood Mitigation Capability by Flood Resilience Index
Ya-Ting Chang; Yuan-Shun Chang; Hao-Che Howard Ho; Hong-Yuan Lee
20734 Applying GIS to Identify Potential Location of Small Hydropower in Catchment Region
Han-Shen Chen; Hao-Che Howard Ho
20735 Ecological Water Management in the Alhambra and Generalife
Catuxa Novo Estebanez; Juan Ramon Fernandez Cardenete; Francisco Javier Sanchez Gutierrez; Rafael Lopez Sierra
20736 Fishing in Privatized Seas: Environmental Problems, and Challenges for Sustainability in the Colombian Caribbean
Johana Herrera Arango; Juan Antonio Senent De Frutos
20737 Youth Involvement in Small-Scale Irrigation Schemes
Karen Parry; Alec Zuo; Henning Bjornlund; Sarah Wheeler; Ander Van Rooyen; Jamie Pittock; Makarius Mdemu
20738 Start Them Early and Keep Them Involved – Examples for Outreach Activities with Children
Eva Fenrich
20739 Discrepancies on the Spilled Volume in the Aznalcollar Mine Disaster
Marcos Sanz-Ramos; Ernest Blade; Josep Dolz
20740 An Experimental Study on Characteristics of Hydraulic Stability in Shinwol Rainwater Storage and Drainage System by Sustainable Flood and Air Inflow
Jun Oh Oh; Sang Mi Jun; Jong Jin Lee; Chang Keun Park

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