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Proceedings of the 35th IAHR World Congress (Chengdu, 2013)

  • ISSN Online:
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  • ISBN: 9781629938141
  • Publisher: Tsinghua University Press
  • Editor(s): Zhaoyin Wang; Joseph H. W. Lee; Jizhang Gao; Shuyou Cao
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The 35th World Congress of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR) is held in Chengdu, southwestern China from September 8 to 13, 2013. The central theme of the congress is “the wise find pleasure in water" (Confucius, BC 552-BC 479). The sub-themes are Water Engineering and Civilization; Hydro-Environment; Fluvial Hydraulics and River Management; Maritime Hydraulics and Coastal Engineering; Water Resources and Hydroinformatics; and Climate Change and Hazard Mitigation. The congress provides a forum for scientists, engineers, and managers to share recent research advances and be updated on the latest technology in all branches of hydraulic and water engineering.

The local organizer received 2,161 abstracts from 80 countries and regions submitted for the 6 sub-themes and 99 abstracts submitted for 8 special seminars. The international scientific committee and a panel consisting of 144 scientists and experts reviewed the abstracts, and 1,886 abstracts were accepted for the congress. Finally, 1375 full papers submitted to the congress and most of them are accepted after the second round of review.

The proceedings contains 1195 papers, among them 25% are on fluvial hydraulics, 21% on hydro-environment, 18% on water resources, and 10%~13% on water engineering, maritime hydraulics, and climate change and hazard mitigation. The proceedings publish papers in 9 parts: 1) keynote and invited lectures; 2) papers for John Fisher Kennedy student paper competition, which were selected from 64 submitted abstracts and full papers after two round of review; 3) Water Engineering and Civilization; 4) Hydro-Environment; 5) Fluvial Hydraulics and River Management; 6) Maritime Hydraulics and Coastal Engineering; 7) Water Resources and Hydroinformatics; 8) Climate Change and Hazard Mitigation; and 9) papers for 8 special seminars. During the congress 1239 papers are presented in 139 sessions for oral presentations and 7 sessions for poster presentations. The abstracts of the presentations are printed in a book for the participants of the congress and the full papers are published in the electronic proceedings by Tsinghua University Press.

ID Title Authors Year
14435 Relationsip Between Aquatic Insects Habitats and Envieonmental Factors Using Hydrological Simulation Model
Akihiko Takase; Kei Nukazawa; So Kazama; Kozo Watanabe
14436 Water Temperature Effects of Benthic Invertebrates in the Natori River Basin
Ryosuke Arai; Kei Nukazawa; So Kazama; Yasuhiro Takemon
14437 Research on the Spatiotemporal Differentiation Law of Water Temperature Structure in Large Reservoir of China
Shijie Zhang; Junping Yan; Qiang Du; Hongwu Tan; Guoqiang Li; Yisi Zhuge; Xiao Yu
14438 Laboratorial Method to Establish Fish Habitat Suitability Curve
Yisi Zhuge; Defu Liu; Hongwu Tan; Junping Yan
14439 Influence of Gezhouba Project Dispatching on Flow Condition of Chinese Sturgeon Spawning Ground
Huang Minghai; Guo Hui; Xing Linghang; Yang Wei
14440 Study on Growth Response of Salix Koreensis Cuttings Under Water-Logging Condition
Eunjin Kim; Moonhyung Park; Hong Koo Yeo; Hyoseop Woo
14441 Study on Integrated Management Methods of Basin System Disasters
Jun Wang; Guoqiang Ou
14442 Improvement of an Intake Structure -Scale Model Investigation and Numerical Calculations of a Tyrolean Weir
Christoph Matzke; Bernhard Gems; Roman Gabl; Tobias Frischhut; Markus Aufleger
14443 3D Numerical Investigation of Effects of Channel Width Change on Flow Structure at Two River Confluence
Mona Nemati Attar; Akbar Safarzadeh
14444 Characteristics and Utilization of Rainwater in Cities of China
Feng Liu; Xiuying Wang; Baiyinbaoligao

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