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Proceedings of the 38th IAHR World Congress (Panama, 2019)

Water Connecting the World summaries the approach of the congress held in Panama City, Panama, from September 1 to 6, 2019.

A strategic point to air connections between the Americas, with a skyline filled with modern buildings, Panama City is well known for its business structure, cosmopolitan culture and biodiversity. The Panama Canal, only fifteen minutes from downtown Panama City, is one of the most important engineering works of the 20th and 21th century.

Panama is a country of diversity and contrasts; a country of multiple atmospheres, diverse in the historical, geographical and cultural aspects, and inhabited by a colourful mixture of ethnicities and customs. Because of this unique combination of people and unusual places, Panama City is a magical and fascinating destination. The Congress will provide every participant with a life-time memorable experience.

The Congress is organized by the City of Knowledge Foundation (FCDS), Panama Canal Authority (ACP) Technological University of Panama (UTP), Santa Maria la Antigua University (USMA), Universidad Latina de Panamá (ULATINA), Water Center for the Humid Tropics of Latin America and The Caribbean (CATHALAC) and National Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation (SENACYT).


The papers included in this volume were part of the 38th IAHR World Congress cited on the cover and title page. Papers were selected and subjected to review by the Editor and the International Scientific Committee and followed a revision process with the following steps: First, several of the committees involved in the organization of the congress established a set of technical criteria for the Committee in charge of the revision. Submitted papers were sent to one or two experts in the field. Authors were then asked to include the necessary amendments and follow the reviewers' comments, and their work was reviewed until the final version was approved by the Editor. 

Ethical Guidelines and Code of Conduct

In addition to the technical criteria, IAHR publications follow the Ethical Guidelines and Code of Conduct provided by the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE). A Publication Ethics and a Publication Malpractice statement are publicly available throughout the entire review process.


The International Scientific Committee (ISC) provides counsel and support to the Local Organising Committee (LOC) and to the Local Director´s Committee for the scientific and technical coordination of the congress.


Front Matter


Theme A - Hydraulic Structures (110)

Theme B - Ports and Coastal Engineering  (38)

Theme C - Hydro-environment (125)

Theme D - Water Management and Hydro-informatics (73) 

Theme E - River and Sediment Management (148)

Theme F - Climate Change and Extreme Events (44) 

Special Sessions (212)

ID Title Authors Year
3767 Generation of Monthly Average Flow Rates from the Hydrological Characteristics in the Huancane River Basin
Kevin A. Traverso, José A. Mamani, Roberto Alfaro
3768 Parameter Estimation of a Distributed Hydrological Model Using the Adjoint Method: A Case Study in the Ibo River Watershed, Japan
Masayasu Irie, Masahide Ishizuka, Kohji Tanaka
3769 Runoff Generation at Sub-Basin Scale in Peru (Pacific and Titicaca Basins)
Eber Risco Sence
3770 Comparison Between Hydrological Models: Soil Moisture Method and Témez, for the Case Study Bosque La Primavera, Mexico
Maria del Mar Navarro Farfan
3771 Development of an Integrated Modeling to Predict Changes in Spatial and Temporal Habitat for Natural and Regulated Flows
Rohan Benjankar
3772 Effects of Dem Accuracy on Sediment Modelling Results
Rocky Talchabhadel, Hajime Nakagawa, Kenji Kawaike
3773 Sediment Transport in Meandering Streams: Insights Based on a Large Width-To-Depth Ratio Laboratory Experiment
Laura Segura Serrano, Ana Maria Ferreira Da Silva
3774 The Effection of the Annual Maximum Sediment Concentration Reducing on Sediment Variation in the Yellow River
Xiaoping Li
3775 Morphodynamic Behavior of Modaomen, Pearl River Estuary, South China
Yong He
3776 Flow Structure over Uniform and Nonuniform Sand Bed Channel
Anurag Sharma, Bimlesh Kumar

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