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Proceedings of the 37th IAHR World Congress (Kuala Lumpur, 2017)

Every two years our community gathers together at the IAHR World Congress, and in August 2017 around 1200 participants from 61 countries met at the Putra World Trade Center in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.  911 full papers were accepted out of 1324 abstracts submitted. The congress covered seven main themes comprising: River and Sediment Management, Flood Management, Environmental Hydraulics and Industrial Flows, Coastal, Estuaries and Lakes Management, Urban Water Management, Water Resources Management, Hydroinformatics/Computational Methods. Our Congress opened on Monday 14th August by The Honourable Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia. There were a total of 12 keynotes during the week involving leading specialists in the hydro environment domain from around the world. The Congress closed on the Friday after the Malaysian Deputy Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation gave a highly personal talk about his education, and the differ ences between public perception of water and the environment and that of scientists.


Review Process

The papers included in this volume were part of the 37th IAHR World Congress cited on the cover and title page. Papers were selected and subjected to review by the Editor and the International Scientific Committee and followed a revision process with the following steps: First, several of the committees involved in the organization of the congress established a set of technical criteria for the Committee in charge of the revision. Submitted papers were sent to one or two experts in the field. Authors were then asked to include the necessary amendments and follow the reviewers' comments, and their work was reviewed until the final version was approved by the Editor. 

Ethical guidelines and Code of Conduct

In addition to the technical criteria, IAHR publications follow the Ethical Guidelines and Code of Conduct provided by the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE). A Publication Ethics and a Publication Malpractice statement are publicly available throughout the entire review process.

The 37th IAHR World Congress proceedings are long-term preserved following the IAHR Policy of digital preservation archives.

ID Title Authors Year
20615 Cfd Study of a Spatial Submerged Hydraulic Jump
Vimaldoss Jesudhas, Ram Balachandar, Tirupati Bolisetti
20616 Large-Scale Flume Tests on Flow Dislodgment of Rocks Forming Bendway-Weirs
Robert Ettema, Jonathan Aubuchon, Nathan Holste, David Varyu, Drew Baird, Robert Padilla, Christopher Thornton
20617 An Experimental Study of the Hydraulic Performance of a Buoyancy-Automated Tidal Gate
James Simpson, William Glamore, Stefan Felder
20618 Air-Water Flow Properties in Hydraulic Jumps on a Positive Slope
Laura Montano, Stefan Felder
20619 Physical Modeling of Overtopping Induced Fluvial Dike Failure: Effects of Main Channel Flow and Floodplain Innundation
Ismail Rifai, Sebastien Erpicum, Pierre Archambeau, Damien Violeau, Michel Pirotton, Benjamin Dewals, Kamal El Kadi Abderrezzak
20620 Multi-Index Evaluation on River Health Assessment: Iwe Method
Huidong Su, Tiantian Jin, Shi Feng, Junqiang Lin
20621 Performance Evaluation of Numerical Simulation for Turbulence Characteristics Around Circular Bridge Pier
Praveen Rathod, Vivek L. Manekar
20622 Using the Telemac 3D Model for Estimating the Impact of Bridge Construction to River Hydrodynamic Regime
Ngoc Duong Vo, Quang Binh Nguyen, Philippe Gourbesville
20623 Flow Near Groynes: Experimental or Computational Approaches
Quang Binh Nguyen, Ngoc Duong Vo, Philippe Gourbesville
20624 Further Studies on Optimal Hydraulic Section of Steady Uniform Flow in Rectangular Open Channels
Min Fan, Yuanle Zhu, Yaozu Jiang, Bole Jiao

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