Cité des mobilités, 25, avenue François Mitterrand, CS 92803
BRON Cedex, 69674
Cerema (which stands for the Centre for Studies and Expertise on Risks, the Environment, Mobility, and Urban Planning) is the principal French public agency for developing public expertise in the fields of urban planning, regional cohesion, and ecological and energy transition for resilient and climate-neutral cities and regions. It has a staff of 2,700 people of whom 500 are dedicated to research and innovation activities. Cerema was created in 2014 by merging eleven public expertise organisations, each with decades of experience working on bridges, roads and port infrastructure, water, geotechnics, risk, land use, and urban development. As a multidisciplinary scientific and technical resource and expertise centre, Cerema provides assistance in developing, implementing, and assessing public policies at national and local levels, where the challenges of climate and ecological transition & regional cohesion are paramount.
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