Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros, de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, Campus de Elviña S/N
A Coruña, 15071
The main goal of the Water and Environmental Engineering Group (GEAMA, University of A Coruña) is to generate new knowledge in the field of water resources management, in order to achieve a more efficient and sustainable use of water by the society. Some of the topics in which we currently work are: - Forecast and management of flood risk - Monitoring and management of reservoirs and lakes - Design of port infraestructures and management of port operations - Design and management of sustainable urban drainage systems - Wastewater treatment and water quality in rivers - Impact of climate change on water resources Our work is funded by public research projects as well as by private companies, with which we work in close collaboration. We also work regularly with water management administrations and with non-governmental organizations. The members of our group are involved in undergraduate and postgraduate education in water resources, and we regularly organise seminars and specialized training courses aimed at professionals of the water sector. More information about our group in
Organisation Type
Organisation Activities
The group is organised in 4 teams: Hydraulic engineering -Flood risk -Water resources management -Sustainable Urban Drainage Sytems -Hydrology and applied geology Hydrothermal and geothermal energy -Mining restoration -Groundwater quality -Saltwater intrusion -Surface and groundwater resources -Applied geology -Environmental and sanitary engineering Integrated Management of Pollution on Sanitation and Drainage Systems in Wet Weather -Water Sensitive Urban Design and Sustainable Urban Drainage Techniques -Tratement of urban wastewater -Pressures on marine and continental water bodies produced by wastewater discharges -Water in rural areas (small towns and diffuse pressures) -Governance and strategic management of water and land -Maritime and port engineering Shore protection structures -Development of management and decision-making systems in port operations -Modelling and field campaigns in port facilities and coastal environments