Groundwater Management Practices

ISBN: 9780415619875

Angelos N. Findikakis, Kuniaki Sato

Groundwater is an indispensable resource in many parts of the world, where it supports domestic water supply, irrigated agriculture and industry. Its increased, and often intensive, use during the last half century has created problems and raised concerns regarding the potential depletion of local aquifers, water quality degradation and various geologic hazards such as land subsidence and sinkholes. This volume includes contributions by experts from several countries who describe different groundwater management practices in their part of the world and discuss measures and actions in response to the challenges associated with the sustainability of groundwater use and the protection of the gr

Users Guide to Physical Modelling and Experimentation: Experience of the HYDRALAB Network

ISBN: 9780415609128

Lynne E. Frostick, Stuart J. McLelland, T.G. Mercer

A Users Guide to Hydraulic Modelling and Experimentation provides a systematic, comprehensive summary of the progress made through HYDRALAB III . The book combines the expertise of many of the leading hydraulic experimentalists in Europe and identifies current best practice for carrying out state-of-the-art, modern laboratory investigations. In addition it gives an inventory and reviews recent advances in instrumentation and equipment that drive present and new developments in the subject. The Guide concentrates on four core areas – waves, breakwaters, sediments and the relatively-new (but rapidly-developing) cross-disciplinary area of hydrodynamics/ecology. Progress made through the ‘CoMIBB

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000: Volume 2

ISBN: 9789078046066

Willi Hager

More than 850 individuals partly forgotten by name, but sometimes found in historical writings, together with many well known or recently deceased persons are presented in terms of bio-data, short career highlights, and main advances made to the profession with a short biography of the main writings. If available, a portrait is also included. Hydraulicians in Europe, Volume 2 is a continuation of the first volume, both in outline and in coverage and pagination. Volumes 1 and 2 include more than 1500 biographies.

Flow and Sediment Transport in Compound Channels: The Experience of Japanese and UK Research

ISBN: 9789810593636

S. Ikeda, I.K. McEwan

This monograph provides a comprehensive state-of-the-art description of the work carried out in the UK and Japan on "Flow and Sediment Transport in Compound Channels". It therefore describes research which has been conducted, primarily over the last two decades, and which has yielded a fairly detailed picture of the important behaviours of compound channels and produced a number of engineering prediction methods which ought to be widely adopted in practice. The text will inevitably highlight areas where our knowledge is sparse and it will spur others on in the task of filling in such gaps. The concept of bi-national groups of researchers meeting together intermittently over  p

River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics: RCEM 2007, Two Volume Set: Proceedings of the 5th IAHR Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics, Enschede, NL, 17-21 September 2007

ISBN: 9780415453639

C. Marjolein Dohmen-Janssen, Suzanne J.M.H. Hulscher

Around the world, many people live, work and recreate in river, estuarine and coastal areas, systems which are also important wildlife habitats. It is imperative to understand the physics of such systems. A key element here is morphodynamics: the mutual interaction and adjustment of landform topography and fluid dynamics involving the motion of sediment. The numerous interacting processes involved, such as large- and small-scale hydrodynamics, sediment transport dynamics, growth and decay of bed perturbations or larger bed forms, biological processes and human interferences make morphodynamics a challenging scientific issue. These proceedings bring together contributions from some 200 scient

Water Engineering in Ancient Civilizations: 5,000 Years of History

ISBN: 9789078046059

Pierre-Louis Viollet

This new book offers an engineer's perspective on the history of water technology and its impact on the development of civilisation. A Second Edition and translation into English of the French book "L'Hydraulique dans les Civilisations Anciennes". Water professionals, engineers, scientists, and students will find this book fascinating and invaluable to their understanding of the fundamental role of water engineering in the development of civilization. The book abounds with descriptions of hydraulic techniques in the civilizations of the classical era and the Middle Ages, including illustrations and translated descriptions of ancient observers and authors. The work is uniqu

River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics: Proceedings of the 4th IAHR Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics (RCEM 2005, Urbana, Illinois, USA, 4-7 October 2005)

ISBN: 9780415392709

Gary Parker,Marcelo H. García

The Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics offers the latest research results concerning quantitative modelling of the interaction of water and sediment and the shapes this interaction makes. Morphodynamics is the study of the evolution of landscape and seascape features, from small scale to large, in response to the erosion and deposition of sediment. The erosion and deposition of sediment is in turn driven by an interaction between the mechanics of flow in a river, debris flow or turbidity current and the mechanics of sediment transport by the flow. Morphodynamics offers an avenue for the explanation of the evolution of consistent, self-adjusting mo

River Flow 2004: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, 23-25 June 2004, Napoli, Italy, Two Volme Set

ISBN: 9789058096586

Massimo Greco, Armando Carravetta, Renata Della Morte

RiverFlow 2004 is the Second International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, organized as speciality conferences under the auspices of the International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research (IAHR) within its Fluvial Hydraulics and Eco Hydraulics Sections. RiverFlow conferences are a significant forum of discussion for many researchers involved in river modelling and observation. The intense landuse of the last century and the lack of adequate sustainable development policies, threaten river flow.  Water is of vital importance in human life, and it is imperative that we have a better understanding of river processes and an adequate management of fluvial areas. These papers c

Stochastic Hydraulics '96: Proceedings of the 7th IAHR international symposium, Mackay, Queensland, Australia, 29-31 July 1996

ISBN: 9789054108177

I.C.Xu Goulter, K.S. Tickle, S. Wasimi

The growing pressure on the world's water resources coupled with the increasing vulnerability of society to the impacts of extreme events, has resulted in a need to consider explicitly the stochastic processes which underly the environment in which water resources & hydraulic infrastructure is constructed. The effective and practical integration of the theory and application of hydraulics with probabilistic analysis is one of the most challenging tasks facing researchers and practioners working in design, operation, and management of water resources infrastructure under these conditions. This symposium reports on the latest developments in stochastic hydraulics across a wide range of

Energy Dissipators: IAHR Hydraulic Structures Design Manuals 9

ISBN: 9789054101987

W.H. Hager, D.L. Vischer

Energy dissipators are an important element of hydraulic structures as transition between the highly explosive high velocity flow and the sensitive tailwater. This volume examines energy dissipators mainly in connection with dam structures and provides a review of design methods. It includes topics such as hydraulic jump, stilling basins, ski jumps and plunge pools. It also introduces a general account of various methods of dissipation, as well as the governing flow mechanisms.

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