2021 IAHR awards acknowledge excellence and outstanding members

IAHR honoured excellence and our outstanding members at the Opening Session of the 1st IAHR Online Forum. IAHR awards acknowledge the careers, papers, and projects of outstanding members who have had a remarkable impact on hydro-environment engineering and research. Given every two years at the biennial World Congresses, the 2021 awards were announced at the first ever IAHR Online Forum and will be presented at the opening ceremony of the 39th IAHR World Congress in Granada on 24 June 2022.

The IAHR Awards Committee oversees the nomination, selection, and awarding of laureates and is composed of the current chairs of the technical divisions, Robert Ettema, Hyseop Woo, and Silke Wieprecht. The Committee would like to recognise the many outstanding nominations received, which made the final decision very difficult.

Honorary Membership Award 

The Honorary Membership Award, the most prestigious honour conferred by the IAHR Council, is bestowed on up to three distinguished IAHR members for their lifetime contributions to hydro-environment engineering and research and their outstanding service to the association.

IAHR bestowed its highest honour of Honorary Membership in 2021 on...

Anton SchleissAnton Schleiss

Emeritus Professor and expert consultant at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland,                                   

for his highly productive career as an authority on the design and performance of dams and hydropower facilities.                                  

Peter A. DaviesPeter A. Davies

Emeritus Professor of Fluid Dynamics at the University of Dundee, UK,

for his outstanding contributions to fluid mechanics and hydraulics, and his service to IAHR.                                

Teodoro EstrelaTeodoro Estrela

Director General for Water, Spain,

for his highly productive career in hydraulic  engineering and his leadership facilitating extensive support of IAHR’s operation.               

Arthur Thomas Ippen Award

The A.T. Ippen Award was established in 1977 to honour the memory of Professor Ippen, IAHR President (1959-1963), IAHR honorary member (1963-1974), and for many decades an inspirational leader in fluids research, hydraulic engineering, and international co-operation and understanding. The Award is presented biennially by IAHR to one of its members who has demonstrated conspicuously outstanding ability, originality, and accomplishment in basic hydraulic research and/or applied hydraulic engineering, and who holds great promise for continuation of a high level of productivity in this profession. 

IAHR conferred the 22nd Arthur Thomas Ippen Award in 2021 to...

Sébastien ErpicumSebastien Erpicum

Associate Professor and Laboratory Head at the School of Engineering, Liege University, Belgium,                               

for his outstanding leading research regarding the hydraulics and fluid mechanics of hydraulic structures.                                

M. Selim Yalin Lifetime Achievement Award

Established in 2006 to honour the memory of Professor M. Selim Yalin, Honorary Member (1925-2007), and Fluvial Hydraulics Section Chairman (1986-1991), remembered for his prolific and pioneering research contributions in fluvial hydraulics and sediment transport, and for his inspirational mentoring of students and young researchers, the M. Selim Yalin Lifetime Achievement Award is conferred upon an IAHR member whose experimental, theoretical, or numerical research has resulted in significant and enduring contributions to the understanding of the physics of phenomena and/or processes in hydraulic science or engineering, and who has demonstrated outstanding skills in graduate teaching and supervision.

IAHR confers the 8th M. Selim Yalin Lifetime Achievement Award in 2021 to...

Íñigo J. Losada RodríguezÍñigo J. Losada Rodríguez

Director of Research at the Environmental Hydraulics Institute (IHCantabria), Universidad de Cantabria, Spain,

for his significant and enduring contributions to the understanding of the physics of phenomena and processes in hydraulic science and engineering that have had a wide international impact on both applied engineering and policy making.

Harold Jan Schoemaker Award

The H.J. Schoemaker Award was established in 1980 to recognise the efforts made by Professor Schoemaker, IAHR Secretary (1960-1979), in guiding the Journal of Hydraulic Research in its formative years. The Award is granted to the author(s) of the paper judged the most outstanding paper published in the IAHR Journal of Hydraulic Research in the two years preceding the IAHR World Congress. 

IAHR confers the 22nd Harold Jan Schoemaker Award in 2021 on...

Christophe AnceyChristophe Ancey

Director of the Environmental Hydraulics Laboratory, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland,                                

for the most outstanding paper Bedload transport: a walk between randomness and determinism.

Published in the Journal of Hydraulic Research, issue 1, volume 58, 2020.

Special thanks from the Awards Committee to Mohamed Guidaoui, Editor of the Journal of Hydraulic Research, and the Associated Editors of the Journal of Hydraulic Research.

Willi H. Hager JHR Best Reviewer Award

The Willi H. Hager Journal of Hydraulic Research (JHR) Best Reviewer Award was established in 2012 and is sponsored by former JHR Editor Prof. Willi H. Hager. The Award is presented to up to three reviewers, preferably under 45 years of age, judged to have provided the most outstanding reviews of the papers submitted to the IAHR Journal of Hydraulic Research during the preceding two-year period. The Award recipients are selected by the JHR Editor, Associate Editors, and Prof. Willi H. Hager among the nominees made by the JHR Associate Editors. 

IAHR confers the 7th Willi H. Hager JHR Best Reviewer Award on….

Nadia PennaNadia Penna

Università della Calabria, Rende (CS), Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Italy. 

Juvenal LetelierJuvenal Letelier

Universidad de Chile, Department of Civil Engineering, Chile.

Huan-Feng DuanHuan-Feng Duan

Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR China.

For their outstanding reviews during the period 2019 – 2020.

Special Award to the most active YPNs in 2020

This award is sponsored by the Ministry of Water Resources of China. Special thanks to the members of the Task Force on Young Professionals Development, who helped to evaluate the 2020 Young Professionals Networks annual reports of activities.

The award has been approved and endorsed by the Awards Committee and the IAHR Council.

The Special Award to the most active YPNS in 2020 was given to the following Young Professionals Networks in 2021:

From the Asia and Pacific Division to... 

IAHR Nanjing YPNIAHR Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute Young Professionals Network

The IAHR Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute Young Professionals Network is an academic organization composed of youth members. Formally established in Nanjing in May 2018 under the guidance of the IAHR China Chapter and the support of the Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute. Actively carries out various activities in order to improve the academic level and international vision of its members and promote young scholars to the international academic stage.

From the Europe Division to...

IAHR Spain YPNIAHR Spain Young Professionals Network

The IAHR Spain YPN was created in 2020 as a merger of the YPNs from three Spanish regions: South-East Spain, Madrid, and Galicia. The main objective is to foster a national collaboration network among young researcher and water professional, give visibility to events, scholarships and contracts offered interesting for the YPN members, and organize and disseminate talks, interviews and webinars at national and international level in the scope of water engineering.

From the Latin America Division to...

IAHR Panamá YPNIAHR Panama Young Professionals Network

The IAHR Panamá YPN was created in September 2019 by young researchers and students from the Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá. The group has organized and has been very active promoting and organizing activities both locally in Panama and regionally in Latin America. The groups vision is to become a national reference in the field of hydro-environmental sciences for the design of sustainable solutions through a holistic and interdisciplinary approach.

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