[TC update] Candidates for the IAHR technical commitee on Fluid Mechanics elections

August 5, 2020

The IAHR technical committee on Fluid Mechanics is currently holding an election for 6 leadership team members. There are 17 candidates for this election. Elections will run from 5 August to 26 August

[Publications update] White Paper on climate change adaptation in water engineering

August 3, 2020

In this white paper, Roberto Ranzi, Professor of Hydraulic structures and River basin monitoring and restoration at the University of Brescia, Italy, and chair of the IAHR technical committee on Clima

[TC update] River Flow 2020 videos and keynote lecturers now available online

August 3, 2020

River Flow 2020 materials, master classes and keynote lecturers now available online

[TC update] Candidate statements for the IAHR technical committee on Fluvial Hydraulics elections

July 29, 2020

Five candidates have declared willing to serve as leading team members of the IAHR technical committee on Fluvial Hydraulics. In order to select two of them, an electronic vote is organized during the

[Journal update] The latest issue of the Journal of Hydraulic Research is now online

July 21, 2020

This issue makes important contributions to the theoretical, experimental and computational aspects of open channel, pipe flow, and eco-hydraulics.

[IAHR Talks] Interview with Silke Wieprecht. Focus on gender equity

July 8, 2020

Gender equity within IAHR is one of the main concerns of Silke Wieprecht, vice-president of IAHR and chair of the recently created task force on Strengthening Gender Equity.

[Journal update] The latest issue of Hydrolink is now online

July 3, 2020

This issue of Hydrolink includes eight articles on different aspects of research and practice in hydraulic transients in urban and industrial systems.

[Journal update] The latest issue of the Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research is now online

June 30, 2020

The Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research (JAWER) publishes papers and practical case studies on all aspects of hydro-environment engineering and research. JAWER welcomes applications rela

[TC update] IAHR-Hohai scholarship offer for enrolment in the PhD program 2020

June 29, 2020

The IAHR-Hohai collaborative committee wishes to promote a scholarship program called 'One Hundred Outstanding Students Pursuing Degrees at Hohai University' among IAHR members. The committee offers '

[TC update] Emeline Perret winner of the Stephen E. Coleman Award 2020

June 26, 2020

Emeline Perret from INRAE RiverLy, Lyon, France, lead author of the article Estimating time-varying stage-discharge relations in rivers with aquatic vegetation, co-authored by Jerôme Le Coz and Benjam

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