Zagazig University
Professor of Hydraulics and (Water Resources)
Prof. Abdelazim Negm is a professor of Hydraulics (and Water Resources) in the Water and Water Structures Engineering Department at the Faculty of Engineering at Zagazig University (ZU). He worked as a demonstrator in the Faculty of Engineering, ZU in 1986 and continued there until he occupied the position of Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs. He worked for the Egypt–Japan University of Science and Technology (E-JUST) as a professor of Water Resources from December 2012 until September 2016, and was chairperson of the Environmental Engineering Department at E-JUST from March 2013 until March 2016. Professor Negm has published more than 350 scientific papers in national and international journals and conferences and about fifty book chapters. He has participated in more than eighty-five conferences and was a keynote speaker at several national and international conferences. He has been awarded prizes for best papers three times. His research areas include hydraulics, hydrology, and water resources. Currently, he is very interested in sustainability studies, sustainable development, and the green environment in addition to water resources management. Professor Negm is a member of IAHR and is the head of the Egyptian permanent scientific committee for Water Resources for the promotion of associate and professorship positions for the cycle 2019–2022, and was the Vice Head for the cycle 2016–2019. He is a member of the editorial board of several scientific journals and international conferences and was a member of the organizing committee of Oceanography 2015, and IWTC2013-IWTC2017, and others. Additionally, he was Secretary-General of the IWTC from 2013 until 2017, then a member of the scientific committee. He was the head of the ZU committee for the assessment of the scientific publications of ZU faculties until December 2018. Twelve contributed volumes by Springer Nature during the years 2016–2019, under the Handbook of Environmental Chemistry (HEC). Recently, more than 25 edited contributed volumes have been published during the years 2020/2021 by Springer in different Springer’s series. Currently, he is organizing several contributed volumes to be published by Springer International Publishing during 2022/2023. He was the editor-in-chief of EIJEST (Faculty of Engineering, Zagazig University from 2016 to 2020), associate editor of IWTJ (IWTA) and EMJEI (Springer), and guest lead editor of AJGS–Springer, EJRSSS, and Scientific African Journal, Elsevier and a member of the editorial board in others. He is the principal investigator of several international projects. Currently, he is a member of the editorial board of the HEC series. Professor Negm is listed in: Marquis’ Who’s Who? for more than ten years until now; IBC’s 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century; and the ABI directory for his achievement in the fields of hydraulics and water resources. He has been nominated for many other awards from both IBC and ABI. For more information, please visit this link:
Career Type:
Organization Type:
Universities and Academia
Expertise Fields/Interests:
Water Resources Management, Hydraulics, Hydraulics Structures, Water Resources Sustainability Studies, Groundwater and Hydrology ..etc
Major Achievements:
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