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Hydraulic Efficiency Assessment of Several Vertical Slot Fishway Designs

Author(s): Maria Bermudez; Jeronimo Puertas; Luis Cea; Luis Balairon

Linked Author(s): Jerónimo Puertas Agudo, María Bermúdez Pita, Luis Balairón Pérez

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Vertical slot fishways are hydraulic structures which allow the upstream migration of fish through obstructions in rivers. For uniform flow conditions the flow pattern in a vertical slot fishway depends mainly on the specific pool design, i. e., the geometry of the pool. Usually, these geometric dimensions of the pools are given as a function of the width of the slot, b. In this paper sixteen different designs of vertical slot fishways are tested in a laboratory physical model in order to evaluate how hydraulic characteristics (mainly the depth and velocity fields and the flow pattern) change with pool dimensions and baffle geometry. The length of the pools varies from 2. 5b to 15b and the width of the pools, from 2b to8b. A rating curve is obtained for each design in terms of the dimensionless discharge (Q * =Q/√gS b 5) and the relative depth of flow, h C /b. The sensitivity of the discharge coefficients to the geometry of the pools and the variations in the circulation patterns are studied. Finally, the turbulence is characterized using the power dissipation per unit mass as an indicator of the average turbulent kinetic energy in the pools.


Year: 2010

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