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2D Numerical Simulation of the Motion of a Granular Mass Down a Rough and Inclined Plane

Author(s): Carmelo Juez; Javier Murillo; Pilar Garcia-Navarro

Linked Author(s): Pilar García-Navarro

Keywords: Well balanced approach; Roe methods; Coulomb stress; Global coordinates; Gravity components

Abstract: In this work a novel approximate augmented Riemann solver is formulated for mathematical models of shallow flows with complex rheology over irregular bed. The mathematical model takes advantages of the assumptions considered in Saint-Venant equations. The equations of mass and momentum are depth averaged considering a global coordinate system of referenced. The complete system of differential equations can be coupled and solved using a genuinely Roe type first order scheme on 2D meshes. Fluxes and source terms are discretized to ensure steady state configurations including correct modeling of start/stop flow conditions. The weak solutions presented involve the effect of bed slope in pressure distribution and frictional effects by means of the adequate gravity acceleration components. The numerical solution provided by the numerical scheme is compared with experimental data. The obtained results point out that the numerical scheme proposed can be used to predict faithfully the overall behavior of the phenomena considered in this type of flows.


Year: 2013

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