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Assessment of Flow-Release Regimes Below the E. B. Campbell Hydropeaking Station, Saskatchewan River, Canada

Author(s): Haitham Ghamry; Douglas Watkinson; Christos Katopodis

Linked Author(s): Christos Katopodis

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Fish and fish habitat changes resulting from various hydropeaking flow release regimes below the E. B. Campbell Hydroelectric Station (EBC) in the Saskatchewan River were assessed. From 1964–2003 the hydropeaking station released 0 to 1000 m /s, while in 2004 an interim minimum daily release of 75 m /s was implemented. An instream flow study was conducted to recommend a more environmentally suitable flow release regime. Efforts to achieve this objective included pre-and post-hydrological analyses of flow exceedence values, and the application of the River2D model to quantify instream flow needs for key fish species at three study sites within approximately 40 km of river downstream of the station. Biologically Significant Periods (BSP) were defined to represent important yearly time periods for the Saskatchewan River fish species. Hydrological data and calculated exceedence values clearly show that the natural flow hydrograph was altered considerably by the operation of the station. Recommended minimum river flows downstream of the hydroelectric station were estimated for each BSP. It was concluded that in addition to the minimum flows, establishing a flow regime which varied over the year is the best option to mitigate the effects of and restore basic ecological integrity and productive capacity on the Saskatchewan River.


Year: 2018

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