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Extension of Siphon Operation Range

Author(s): C. Mateos; V. Elviro; D. Cordero; T. Ramos

Linked Author(s): Cristobal Mateos Iguacel

Keywords: Siphon; Regulatable siphon; Regulation; Flood

Abstract: Conventional siphons are rarely used as outlet works in dams owing to their full or zero flow only characteristic. Earlier papers have demonstrated that it is possible to construct gradual and/or adjustable siphons without this inconvenience. A further possibility is analyzed which is that they can be designed to enter service for reservoir levels below the siphons threshold. In this way should operation of a reservoir require lowering of the water level to generate a flood storage volume, the usefulness of this new outlet structure (the siphon) is clear – and satisfies four conditions: -It begins to operate at lower levels that the normal outlet discharge; -In the rising phase of a flood, the outlet discharge can never be more than the incoming flow; -The discharge rule can be preset such that the variation of discharges can be as abrupt or as gradual as desired; -Even during a flood the regulation can be altered easily to increase or reduce the discharge capacity


Year: 2011

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