Author(s): Didia Covas; Helena Ramos; A. B. De Almeida
Linked Author(s): Dídia Isabel Cameira Covas, A.P. Betamio de Almeida
Keywords: Leakage monitoring control; Management of networks; Pressure control; Dynamic leaks' Detection method
Abstract: In the last decade, the changing climatic conditions and high temperatures have led to shortages and water restrictions in many countries, simultaneously, with the increase of domestic and industrial demand. Therefore, leakage reduction and demand management has become a high priority to water distribution companies and to the regulators. Leakage reduction and control is an up-to-date issue and can only be achieved with the implementation of an integrated leakage control system. A dynamic leaks’detection method was developed to locate approximately leaks and sudden accidental bursts. The method is based on real measurements of flow or pressure on the hydraulic system and the comparison of them with the simulated in the computer for the same circumstances. The solution of the leaks’approximate location can be obtained by the minimisation method applied between the calculated and measured values. The minimisation could be achieved using a common numerical technique, such as Newton Raphson method, or a more efficient and unusual method, as Levenberg-Maquartd method. The association of dynamic leaks’detection method with a SCADA system and Geographical Information Systems would allow the supervision and the permanent assessment of the hydraulic performance of the system in terms of leaks evolution, demand growth and pipes’conservation.
Year: 1999