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Statistical and Multicriteria Approaches for Assessing Urban Flood Risk in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions: A Case Study of Alexandria, Egypt

Author(s): Karim Abdrabo; Aly Esmaiel; Mohamed Saber; Sameh Kantosh; Tetsuya Sumi; Bahaa Elboshy; Omar Habiba

Linked Author(s): karim Abdrabo

Keywords: Flood Risk Assessment; Analytical Hierarchy Process; Principal component analysis; Rainfall-Runoff-Inundation; Decision support

Abstract: Flood risk mapping forms the basis for disaster risk management and the associated decision-making ‎systems. This process' effectiveness depends on the quality of the input data of both ‎hazard and ‎vulnerability maps and the method utilized. Worldwide, although there are thousands of studies in Flood ‎Vulnerability Assessment (FVA), ‎however, comparisons between both methods regarding their ‎implementation requirements and ‎options regarding indictors' selection, metrics, transformation, weighting, ‎and the difference ‎between their results were scarce with approximately four studies.‎ ‎This study examines ‎and compares the results of flood risk mapping using ‎Statistical and expert-based approaches combined ‎with the 2D rainfall-runoff-inundation (RRI) ‎simulation model in assessing flood risk in urban areas. For flood ‎vulnerability ‎mapping, inductive principal component analysis (PCA) as a statistical and data-driven based ‎approach ‎and deductive Analytical Hierarchy Process ‎‎(AHP) as an expert-based approach were adapted to ‎conduct a multidimensional vulnerability assessment. ‎Multiple physical, social, and economic datasets (58 ‎indicators) were ‎collected for that purpose. The indicators for each ‎dimension were derived from the relevant ‎literature, consultations with experts, and data ‎availability. The collected data were analyzed by the software ‎platform that offers advanced ‎statistical analysis (SPSS) and the geographic information system (GIS). ‎Regarding the Hazard ‎mapping, remote sensing data processed by GIS and the RRI model was used to ‎simulate the inundation depth for the worst observed event of an urban flood in ‎Alexandria on ‎‎Nov 4 2015. ‎‎This research showed the differences between the subjective and objective ‎assessment methods to obtain ‎detailed analysis as a decision-making support system.‎


Year: 2022

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