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Transnational cooperation for effective and operational flood risk management: Exchange of data, forecasting and warning in the Sava River Basin

Author(s): Mirza Sarač

Linked Author(s): Mirza Sarač

Keywords: Sava River basin; flood risk management; GIS system; digitization


The presentation about action on the Sava River introduces us to interesting activities carried out within the framework of a transnational basin such as this one. This is one of the largest in its area, interacting with a large region and population across multiple countries.  

Those countries have been active in terms of sustainability, common actions within the framework of international cooperation. This means that alert systems must also be internationally standardized. The importance of common protocols is presented, so that the different systems integrate the flood plan protocols of the countries involved. 

Likewise, the exchange of data is fundamental. For this, there must be a communication policy between the countries and common formats that allow this exchange. There must be common standards so that data communication is fluid. 

With this in mind, a GIS system has been made for the exchange of information about the basin plans in relation to the river. Examples of the portals of this exchange are presented, including data from the “Copernicus” platform. The presentation and interaction formats of the systems are presented, and the hydrological and meteorological stations that integrate these data are analysed.  

Modeling is essential for digitization. Models developed and calibrated for the specific case of the basin under study are presented so that there are numerical and computational simulations for daily decisions. With the actions described here, it is also possible to participate in large projects, such as protection systems for elements of high cultural value, or development of future products based on the hydrological modeling of the basin. 


Year: 2023

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