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Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Turbulent Flow over Standard 90 Deg and Modified 45 Deg Spillways Towards Efficient Downstream Fish Passage Conditions

Author(s): Sedem Kumahor; Haitham Ghamry; Christos Katopodis; Mark F. Tachie

Linked Author(s): Haitham Ghamry, Christos Katopodis

Keywords: PIV; CFD; Spillway; Downstream fish migration; Turbulence

Abstract: Measurements of the velocity field over the standard 90° spillway and a modified 45° spillway were performed experimentally in the study by Shirinzad et al. (2023) using particle image velocimetry. In this study, a computational fluid dynamics approach is employed to validate the performance of turbulence models in predicting the flow characteristics around these spillways. Specifically, the and turbulence models were tested at water depths of 1.4h and 1.2h for the standard 90° spillway and modified 45° spillway, respectively. The results were analyzed in terms of the mean streamwise and vertical velocities, as well as the mean streamlines. The results showed that the turbulence models predict distinct recirculation bubbles at the heel of both spillways, which were absent in the experimental results. The point of separation upstream of the standard 90° spillway was, however, accurately predicted by the model compared to the model.


Year: 2023

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