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Variational approach to water wave modelling

Author(s): Didier Clamond; Denys Dutykh; Dimitrios Mitsotakis

Linked Author(s): Denys Dutykh

Keywords: water wave modelling; waves; coast; fluid mechanics; surface gravity waves; Didier Clamond; Denys Dutykh; Dimitrios Mitsotakis


This Water Monograph shows the benefit of using relaxed variational methods for the water waves problem. It illustrates the advantage of using a variational principle involving as many dependent variables as possible. Its primary purpose is to provide a generalized framework for deriving model equations for water waves. This methodology is elucidated through a range of examples, a number of which are entirely novel.
This IAHR Water Monograph provides valuable guidance for researchers, hydraulic modellers, and engineers engaged in studying and working with water waves.


Year: 2024

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