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Improving the Knowledge of Real Wdns by Building Geometric Model

Author(s): Francesco Gino Ciliberti; Luigi Berardi; Daniele Biagio Laucelli; Gabriele Freni; Antonietta Simone; Stefania Piazza

Linked Author(s): Gabriele Freni, Luigi Berardi

Keywords: Sset Management; Digital Transformation; Digital Water; Hydraulic Model; Geometric Model; Water Distribution Networks

Abstract: The construction of a reliable geometric model for WDNs entails the first necessary step in this direction for many reasons: it represents the physical domain where WDN hydraulics takes place; it is essential to provide a consistent representation of the corresponding digital twin called by digital water services; it represents a structured platform to integrate information from the field and from digital transition tools, as well as to gain system knowledge. This contribution addresses the pressing need of many water providers to give value to all data stored into the water utilities’ database, integrating information coming from recent infrastructure surveys and monitoring campaigns, as well as the daily first-hand knowledge of the operators. The resulting methodology was developed based on the authors' experience on many real WDNs where the digital transition process has just begun.


Year: 2024

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