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Proceedings of the 7th IAHR Europe Congress (Athens, 2022)

  • ISSN Online:
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  • ISBN: 978-618-85675-3-5
  • Publisher:
  • Editor(s): Anastasios I. Stamou; Vassilios Tsihrintzis
  • Related: 7th IAHR Europe Congress

7th IAHR Europe Congress
Innovative Water Management in a Changing Climate
Athens, Greece
September 7-9, 2022

ID Title Authors Year
22345 Performance Evaluation of Urban Storm Drainage Systems Under Rare Rainfall Events: The Example of the City of Argos, Argolis Region, Greece
Alexandros Kotsovos; Ioannis Nalbantis
22346 A Simple Method for the Enhancement of River Bathymetry in LIDAR DEM
Gabriele Farina; Marco Pilotti; Luca Milanesi
22347 Hydrological Modeling in Experimental Catchment in Urban and Peri-Urban Environments
Evgenia Koltsida; Andreas Kallioras
22348 Floods of Dinaric Karst Fields: Case Studies from Dalmatia (Croatia)
Igor Ljubenkov
22349 Towards a Methodical Approach for Modelling Runoff During Extreme Rainfall Events on Large Catchment Using 2D Shallow Water Equations
Jean-Paul Travert; Florent Taccone; Vito Bacchi
22350 A Multi-Criteria Analysis Framework for Assessment of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS)
Ioannis M. Kourtis; Chrysaida-Aliki Papadopoulou; Maria P. Papadopoulou; Chrysi S. Laspidou; Vassilios A. Tsihrintzis
22351 Influence of Urban Pattern on Rainfall-Runoff Processes
Dongfang Liang; Zhiwei He; Bowen Che; Nichenggong Zhu; Yiming Li; Yuhao Cen
22352 Traditional Nature-Based Solutions for Rural Drought Resilience in the Cuvelai Basin, Angola. How Surface Water Monitoring Can Support Better Decisionmaking and Management
Natalia Limones; Marcus Wijnen; Aleix Serrat-Capdevila
22353 Rainfall Intensity-Duration Patterns for Flood Occurrence in Attica Region
Elissavet Feloni; Evangelos Baltas; Kostas Lagouvardos; Anastasios Stamou
22354 Implementation of the Gridded Flash Flood Guidance Method in the Mandra Basin in West Attica, Greece
Apollon Bournas; Evangelos Baltas; Anastasios Stamou

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