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Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics (Aberdeen, 2024)

ID Title Authors Year
30632 Bedload Layer-Induced Wall-Roughness Similarity in the TKE Budget of Energetic Sediment-Laden Open-Channel Flows
David Hurther; Helder Guta; Julien Chauchat
30633 A Data-Driven Approach to Real-Time Reconstruction of Turbulent Flow Fields on Coarse-Grain Bed Using Sparse Observational Boundary Data
Yifan Yang; Yushu Xie; Julia C. Mullarney
30634 Coastal Nature Lab: Exploring the Potential of Natural Materials and Craft Techniques in Hyperlocal Nature-Based Interventions for Coastal Adaptation
Serena Pollastri; Enrico Tubaldi; Gloria Castro Quintero; Suzana Ilic; Keith Torrance
30635 Hazard Assessments and Mitigating Measures to Address Scouring and Bed Degradation at the Pasig Potrero
Anne Jeanette De La Rosa; Maria Cristelle San Antonio; Kate Trishia Papina; Roy Anthony Luna; Ramon Quebral
30636 Integrated Assessment of Meteorological Hazards in Philippine Active Geothermal Fields: Flood Models, Scour Analysis, and Landslide Inventories for Risk Reduction
Elaine Marie Pena; Anne Jeanette De La Rosa; Maria Cristelle San Antonio; Roy Anthony Luna; Ramon Quebral
30637 Optimizing 2D Modelling: Unleashing the Potential of Modern ALS Data for Efficient and Objective Derivation of Vegetation Parameters
Frederik Folke; Martin Hammerle
30638 Investigation of Thermal Mixing in a Riverine Lake During the Hydropeaking Period
Il Won Seo; Siyoon Kwon
30639 Quantifying Turbulent Mixing in Plunging River Inflows: Insights from Field Measurements in Lake Geneva
Stan Thorez; Ulrich Lemmin; Andrew Barry; Koen Blanckaert
30640 Effects of Oscillatory Forcing on Gravity Currents: Lifting, Mixing, and Density Transport
Cem Bingol; Rui Zhu; Eckart Meiburg; Matias Duran-Matute; Herman J. H. Clercx
30641 Bubble Curtain Dynamics in Homogenous Lock-Exchange Flows
Shravan K. R. Raaghav; Ronald Driessen; Tom O’Mahoney; Rob Uittenbogaard; Herman J. H. Clercx; Matias Duran-Matute

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