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Book of Abstracts of the 15th International Conference on Hydroinformatics (Beijing, 2024)

The 15th International Conference on Hydroinformatics (HIC2024), hosted by China's Ministry of Water Resources, IAHR, and IWA, and organized by IWHR, concluded in Beijing on May 29, convening nearly 500 representatives from 34 countries/regions. 

The event included 3 plenary sessions, 48 parallel sessions, and 235 technical presentations, and witnessed the announcement of the Beijing Initiative Digital Twins for Water and the release of SkyLIM, the model series independently developed by IWHR.

ID Title Authors Year
29884 SPH Simulation of Transient Flow with Unsteady Friction in Pipelines with Entrapped Air Pocket at Dead End
Huaicheng Fan; Qingzhi Hou; Xuliang Yang
29885 River-Aquifer Interaction - Where Is the Problem in Calculating Volumetric Exchange? Hupsel Case Study
Maria Grodzka-Lukaszewska; Joachim Rozemeijer; Ype Van Der Velde; Grzegorz Sinicyn
29886 Flow Velocity Distribution in Rivers Through Image-Based Technique Calibrated by ADCP Measurements
Donatella Termini; Peyman Peykani
29887 One-Dimensional Mathematical Modeling of Water Flow and Sediment Transport in the Haibowan Reservoir
Jingyi Guo; Xinjie Li; Xiaoying Li; Fei Yang; Qiang Wang
29888 Redetermination of Environmental Flow After Hydropower Decommission Using Hydraulic and Habitation Models: A Case Study in the Chishui River Basin; China
Zhenhua Cui; Shuai Niu; Ni Xiao; Liang Wang; Wenlin Zhai
29889 Riverway Flow Simulation for the Yellow River Estuary
Bojun Liu; Yun Zhao; Shuntian Liang; Kefei Li
29890 Urban Flooding Risk Analysis and Rapid Identification Based on 1D/2D Coupled Modeling
Wei Zhang; Xuan Wan; Peizhen Qu; Zimeng Zhuang; Junqi Li
29891 Performance Assessment of Machine Learning and Statistical Models for Wet-Period Rainfall Forecasting
Rashid Farooq; Monzur Alam Imteaz
29892 Unprecedented Compound Drought and Hot Extremes Events in Sichuan: An Angle from Copula Analysis
Lilingjun Liu; Xiaosheng Qin
29893 NEOPRENE: Generating Stochastic Rainfall from Python
Manuel Del Jesus; Salvador Navas; Javier Diez-Sierra

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