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Proceedings of the 12th IAHR International Symposium on Ice (Trondheim 1994)

This collection accommodates the articles of the Proceedings of the 12th IAHR International Symposium on Ice, which was held in Trondheim, Norway during August 23-26, 1994.

We would like to express our sincere thanks to the Committee on Ice Research and Engineering for helping with the preparation of the data and files that were used to build this collection.

ID Title Authors Year
27873 Ice Jamming Processes in the Upper Niagara River: An Observational and Analytical Perspective
Randy D. Crissman
27874 Criteria for Increased Ice Discharge Capacity of the Upper Niagara River
Robert Ettema; David Andres; Richard Carson; Randy D. Crissman
27875 Physical Model to Study Ice Jamming Processes in the Upper Niagara River
Johannes Larsen; Jon E. Zufelt; Randy D. Crissman
27876 Physical Model Studies of Measures to Mitigate Ice Jamming in the Upper Niagara River
Jon. E. Zufelt; Johannes Larsen; Randy D. Crissman
27877 Numerical Simulation of Ice Jam Progression in the Upper Niagara River
Hung Tao Shen; Desheng Wang
27878 A Two-Dimensional Model for Dynamic Ice Transport and Jamming in the Upper Niagara River
Hung Tao Shen; Junshan Su; Shuan Lu; Akio Wake
27879 Assessment of Ice Boom Technology for Application to the Upper Niagara River
Razek Abdelnour; Randy D. Crissman; George Comfort
27880 Assessment of Instrumentation for Application to Winter Hydropower Operations on the Upper Niagara River
James R. Rossiter; Randy D. Crissman
27881 Modelling Dynamic Ice Forces
T. G. Brown
27882 Anlyses of the Response of Molikpaq to the Ice Loading Event of April 12,1986
W. D. Liam Finn; M. Yogendrakumar

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