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Proceedings of the 30th IAHR World Congress (Thessaloniki, 2003)

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ID Title Authors Year
25483 Experimental Observations on the Movement of Bedload Sheets and Their Influence on Bedload Transport Rates
H. L. Monteith; G. Pender; A. B. Schvidchenko
25484 A Simplified Method for Computing General Scour in Sand-Bed Channels
H. D. Farias; M. T. Pilan; F. Pece; M. Mattar; A. Storniolo; L. Olmos; L. Galvan; C. Infante
25485 Erodibility of Fractured Rock
S. M. Cameron; B. W. Melville; S. E. Coleman
25486 A New Approach for the Evaluation of Sediment Transport Predictors in Alluvial Streams and Development of the New Equations for Special Situations
S. Arshad; M. H. Omid
25487 Widening of Gravel Bed Rivers-Physical Model Tests in Large Scale
M. Aufleger; A. Niedermayr; T. Strobl
25488 Fully Coupled Modeling of Flow and Bed Evolution Using Finite Element Method
S. U. Choi; S. Han
25489 Unsteady Flow Modelling of Sediment Transport
F. Yazdandoost
25490 Rating Curves for Hydrographs
W. H. Graf; Z. Qu
25491 Bed Transport Dynamics in Unsteady Conditions
M. Iervolino; A. Leopardi; M. Greco
25492 Effect of Bedload Transport on Flow Resistance in Rigid Boundary Channels
M. Omid; A. Mahdavi; R. Narayanan

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