283, Goyang-daero, Ilsanseo-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, 10223
Republic of Korea
As the only state research institute in the field of construction in Korea, the Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology has been dedicated to leading the development of technologies in the construction industry. Also, KICT has been ensuring the efficient use of the national land and the happiness of citizens in the past 40 years since its foundation in 1983. The Department of Land, Water and Environment Research in KICT to find ways to actively respond to present national issues related to water and the environment, as well as to research on ways to conserve land. The department mainly focuses on sustainable and integrated water quantity/quality management, the minimization of damages caused by floods and droughts, water quality improvement and river restoration for the pleasant formation of territory, advanced water supply technology, wastewater reuse, and plant efficiencies. Belonging the department, River Experiment Center and Integrated Water Management Research Center endeavor to develop and to distribute technologies including ⓐriver management based on full-scale experiments, ⓑriver facility development using new materials, ⓒland conservation technologies such as water environment improvement, and river rehabilitation, and ⓓcomprehensive water management. According to these efforts, the department is expected to contribute to the establishment and implementation of a national land conservation policy so that the country can successfully address climate change. The River Experiment Center (REC) of the Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology was established In Nov. 2009 to conduct various experiments concerning flow characteristics, river morphology and ecosystem under close-to-prototype experiment conditions. The center, located in Andong city which is southeastern part of the Korean Peninsula has three types experiment streams, 11 meter wide and 600 meter long, and experiment ponds in site area of 193,051 m2. The REC has the capacity to reproduce artificial flood of 10.0㎥/s at maximum using a large pumping facility, and the Center enables various river experiments almost free from scale effects.
Organisation Type
Organisation Activities
[Objective] Development and dissemination of river management technology to ensure coexistence of human beings and nature while harmonizing water utilization, flood control and river environment - Verification and authentication of new technology and materials - Development of river design criteria for coexistence of human beings and the nature - Hydraulic experiments related to restoration of rivers - Limnological experiments to ensure coexistence of human beings and the nature [Vision & Mission] - Advancement of the river design methodology that ensures sound environmental functions of rivers and prepares against abnormal flood - Offering of the Korean typical river model that guarantees water resources securement, flood control, water quality, and ecosystem - Enhancement of the public perception toward river management [Research Areas] Basic research area - Accumulation of practical/evidential documents related to natural rivers and regulated rivers - River morphology factoring into river’s self-initiated flood control - Adaptive management for vegetation - Habitate designing that reflects discharge and water surface elevation - Research that compares water quality by river type - Reduction of sediment contamination Application area - Ecosystem restoration technology using dike, wetland, etc. - Fish way-related researches - River channel design to ensure river restoration - Development and verification of new materials and new technology related to bank protection
Committee on Fluvial Hydraulics
Committee on Ecohydraulics
Committee on Experimental Methods and Instrumentation
Working Group on Scour Research
Working Group on Nature Based Solutions
Committee on Global Water Security
Working Group on Transient Flows
Working Group on Water System Operations
Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals
Working Group on Reservoir Sedimentation
IAHR/WMO/IAHS Working Group on Hydrometry Training Course
IAHR-Hohai Co-Committee on Higher Education and E-learning
Committee on Education and Professional Development
Committee on Water Resources Management
IAHR/IWA Joint Committee on Urban Drainage
IAHR/IWA Joint Committee on Outfall Systems
IAHR/IWA Joint Committee on Hydroinformatics
Committee on Ice Research and Engineering
Committee on Groundwater Hydraulics and Management
Committee on Flood Risk Management
Committee on Coastal and Maritime Hydraulics
Committee on Climate Change Adaptation
Committee on Industrial Flows and Energy Exchange
Committee on Hydraulic Structures
Committee on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems
Committee on Fluid Mechanics